Sunday, July 20, 2008

RKE v1.0.3

RKE: almost recommended
The new firmware update is only aimed toward the PC4 outlets. The software that applies the firmware has been edited with a check box dialog which makes sure you've taken the appropriate steps before proceeding with firmware updating.
Now, I just sit and wait to see if the "Red Dot of Death" appears on my PC4 controlling the two fans. I'm not sure if I'll wait a few days or the entire week. When I'm satisfied that it's not going to randomly shut off, I'll try adding the main return pump and the protein skimmer to the controller. Then, the chiller will be added.
I get plenty of time to come up with a programming scheme for the new items. For instance, the skimmer pump should shut off when the main pump is shut off. Also, there should be a delay in turning the skimmer on when the main pump powers on or there will be a little flooding in the skimmer. I'd also like to set up the main pump for a 20 minute standby while I'm feeding the tank mates.
I'm currently controlling these options with a Red Sea WaveMaster Pro. And, there's an UltraLife float switch in the sump controlling the protein skimmer.
The graphing capabilities are still troublesome. The old data doesn't get removed from memory even though you've waited more than 20 minutes to reactivate data logging. Now I've noticed that the y-axis doesn't change resolution at all.
So, there goes the summer months as far as trying to tweak the system by using the data graphs to clue you in on what's going on 24/7. That is, of course, unless Digital Aquatics releases any new updates to address this specific issue.

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