Sunday, July 6, 2008

Reef Keeper Elite 1.00

The Reef Keeper Elite (RKE) arrived from Digital Aquatics. It's their latest controller release in which you could attach up to 163 pH probe if you so have the inclination. Of course, this is one of the devices that I'll have to add to my "Early Adopter Syndrome" list. It's already acting buggy. Fortunately, there's already talk about providing a firmware update.

Here are a few snapshots of its activity, so far.

This is what I've been seeing so far. Good job, RKE! (Note: I haven't bothered with calibrating the pH meter, yet.)

I see this random message sometimes. Okay, good job RKE ver 1.0! "Detached" could mean a few things: 02 is for temp, pH or ORP probe. I haven't a clue. Although, I do see an error message showing up for ORP which I do not have at this point. I wonder how I can disable it?

Here's a sample graph of the temperature. Nice curves, RKE! Notice the two extreme dips in the graph even though I haven't dropped any ice-cubes in the sump, lately. what? I'm starting to believe that our house is built upon a buried meteor containing a trapped alien space craft which has found a way to communicate with me through my reef tank's electronics.

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