Monday, August 18, 2008

Skimmer Pump Swap

I've been reluctant in getting the pumps cleaned (suggested every 18 months) mainly because of the plumbing involved; For starters, I couldn't figure out how to take the skimmer pump out without spilling a lot of sea water from the sump.

The Iwaki WMD-30RLTXT that I inherited with this set up seemed a bit over-rated (and noisey) for the skimmer. I checked LifeReef online and found that indeed it was. Also, I didn't like the excess heat it produced in the cabinet. Was it the source of those extra 2 degrees that have been plaguing me this summer? Getting the proper Iwaki pump may prove to be the solution because of lower energy consumption and smaller size.

Last Sunday, I finally figured out a way to plug up the hole in the sump that feeds water to the skimmer pump while I cut the 1" tubing with a razor. I replaced other tubing in the skimmer line as well. There were some bad, sulfurous smells that escaped for a while. Towels helped soak up excess drainage.

I was having trouble installing the red ball valve fixture (a source of leaking), so I decided to remove it from the plumbing. I never really used it during skimmer operation. Besides, it's the gate valve that controls the level of skimming.

Now, with the installation of two "quick release" valves (thanks to the guys at Aquatic Warehouse for their suggestions), the swapping out of pumps should be more efficient. Although, the two pumps I have are completely different models!

The new, smaller pump is much quieter and does the same job as the one I replaced. It still heats up a lot, but the body is half the size. The pump is forced to sit at an odd angle because the exit valve does not sit at a 45 degree angle nor is there a way to adjust it. It's odd. I used a rubber stopper to fix it up.

Iwaki MD-20RXT

The main pump seen in the background is an Iwaki WMD-30RLTXT. It seems to have internal fans, doesn't heat up as much and is relatively quiet. Cleaning out that pump will be another story.
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