Monday, August 25, 2008

RIP: Midas Blenny II

The Midas Blenny was found dead, obviously, stuck on of the Vortech pumps this morning as I double-checked the glued-down coral frags. His head had already been gnawed through with both eyeballs eaten out. I must have banged him up last night while I was cursing and pasting down frags (yes, I find it quite difficult) and rearranging rock work. Who will ever know what truly led to the demise of such a fine, outstanding member of my reef box community?

The natural reef is said to be a treacherous place to live. Every animal has its own defensive mechanisms for escaping predation whether it's from sharks, eels, dolphins, crabs, squid, octopuses and other fish. In other words, all the types of animals that I've avoided selecting for my "peaceful" tank (uh, yeah, about that dolphin I ordered the other day....). But, my reef boxed fish fall prey to mistakes I might make such as undernourishment, malnourishment, sea water chemistry neglect, incompatibilities and the occasional rock slide.

A fine fishy funeral service was provided by Jabba the Scolymia with interruptions by the Skunk Cleaner Shrimp; he didn’t want to see his buddy go (into the dark depths of the Scolymia’s mouth!).

Hmmm, is it time to go shopping for a Blue Jaw Trigger fish, yet? Or, perhaps, a Powder Blue Tang? I'd better go read up on fish compatibility and requirements!

You don't have to wait for a fish corpse to go cold; it already is!

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