Thursday, February 26, 2009

Carpet Surfing

This week I noticed a certain "note" missing from the reef tank. The Timor Wrasse, which normally swims about in the open, was not up and doing its early morning rock inspection routine. So, when I decided to search behind the tank stand, I found the dried remains of the fish. This is what reef hobbyists refer to as "carpet surfing".

Who could appreciate a close-up picture of a Timor Wrasse's formidable jaws? There seems to be a pair of "tusks" involved as well. Don't let the teeth fool you; this fish was an extremely friendly member of my tank the entire year it spent in my tank.

I liked having the top of the acrylic tank uncovered for the benefits of gas exchange and better light penetration. But, to avoid anymore random losses, it's time I put them back on.
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