Sunday, October 12, 2008

Sump Cooling Fan DIY

I finally got around to modifying the egg crate that was holding a fan on top of my sump. The fan was being controlled by the RKE to help cool down the water instead of using a chiller. When temperatures got really high, the chiller would then take over. I'm not sure how effective the fan was at this point, but when the RKE allows for data download, I may analyze it in the future.

I cut the egg crate down to the exact size that would fit on top of the sump by using wire cutters.
Then, black plastic mounting ties were used to fasten an extra piece to prevent the egg crate from sliding out of position and falling into the sump water.
Here's the open top of the LifeReef sump.
And, now it has the modified egg crate with a simple cooling fan on top. The air blows downward to help chill the water by evaporation.
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