Friday, November 21, 2008

Fish Papier-mâché

My sister came by for a week's visit (and now the main fish tank hasn't had its water changed in about 3 weeks!!!). We spontaneously decided to make some fish Papier-mâché (does the beer bottle in the background give you a clue as to why we did this?). The bodies are made out of balloons which have been wrapped with the sticky strips of newspaper and I use tape to attach the manila folder fins.
Here they are drying in the Santa Ana Winds.
I was amazed at how that gooey substance solidified after a day in the sun.

Someday, I'll get around to painting them. For now, they're back in the garage.
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Pine said...

Papier-mâché fish! That's absolutely nuts. I love it! Happy bday in case I forget to tell you later. (and you know I will ;).

JoeJ said...

Thanks, Pine!