This is the right half of the 55 gallon glass tank. The purple LTA anemone (Macrodactyla doreensis) looks decent today. It goes in and out of moods, but stabilizes for several weeks. I used to run two MP10 pumps, but found that the anemone as well as the Frogspawn coral didn't seem to do well with all that water flow, so I removed one. They still don't like the single one, but I've got to keep the water moving or suffer debris build up. These two specimens, therefore, get placed in the low flow area of the right side of the tank.
This week I lost two large SPS corals (tricolor Valida and Scripps acro, usually very hardy in my tanks) and it coincided with the increased rate of Alk and Ca dosing that I applied at the beginning of this month. I usually struggle with getting the Alk up from the 7's, so I had decided to double the drip timing. The Alk was high at 9.2 dKH yesterday. The pH rose over this month as well, but stabilized in the 8.2 area. So, now I'll give the tank a chance to recover (Alk will drop) and decide on a rate between 1 and 2X of what I was working with.