Monday, May 28, 2012

Breaking up the Turbinaria sp.

The Turbinaria sp. coral (yellow scroll coral) from my old 110 gallon tank setup was finally taken out of the quarantine tank and broken up into pieces. I could see polyps and a little gain in coloration while it sat in the Q tank, so I decided to take a few pieces and super glue (gel) them in my 50 gallon cube tank. There were some larger chunks that I'll try to grow out on the sand bed and offer them for trade later.

After a while, I just used my gloved hands to break more pieces off. Then, I used the wire cutters for trimming. I threw away most of the dead coral and kept the underlying live rock for the refugium. 

I glued 3 small pieces at the same level on one of the live rocks. You can see a green variety of Turbinaria sp. near the recovering yellow scroll coral frags. I'm hoping that the pieces will grow and attach themselves to the the rock before a crab comes buy and dislodges them.
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