Sunday, April 15, 2012

Calcium and Alkalinity Dosing

I followed instructions at BulkReefSupply (BRS) to create the Calcium and Alkalinity solutions. Then, I drilled holes on the tops using a 7/32" drill bit and a smaller hole to allow for air. I'll have to find another screw top when it comes time to mix new solutions. The hard-line tubing had a tight fitting, but was easy to slide in through the holes I'd drilled. The BRS peristaltic pumps came with their own mounting and screws. I used smaller wood screws to secure the mounts under the stand next to my 50 gallon reef tank. Now, I'll have to figure how to program my RKE to dose each solution.
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Monday, April 2, 2012

Pink Fromia Sp. Sea Star

I was told that the Fromia sea stars eat only sponges. But, since I'm using well established live rock from my old system, there should be plenty of sponges to choose from as this sea star goes on the hunt for food. This pink variety really adds some color pizzaz to the color of my 50 gallon tank! Note the sponge structures embedded in the live rock near the sea star.

Bon Appetit!

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