Sunday, March 20, 2011

Unknown SPS on tall live rock

I've got to sell or trade this tall live rock with an unknown SPS on top. I've already got a piece of it growing elsewhere and I'd like to make room for other corals. I'm not sure what type of SPS it is and the coral's color might be better under another type of lighting (and other tank chemistry) other than what I'm providing.

A top-down shot:

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Saturday, March 19, 2011

RKE, still trying

Last night, I re-installed the firmware on the head unit, but this time I disabled Norton 360. The RKE looked like it was going to do much better. I was even able to use MyReef 2.0 to do some programming. But, this is what the head unit was doing this morning. I've been in contact with DA support and we're trying to do some troubleshooting.
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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

RKE still no good

After re-reading all the notes for updating, I went ahead and re-applied the firmware to all devices after my last blog post. This time, I made sure to unplug everything from the PC4's while the head unit was going through factory default settings. It worked nicely afterward, but this is what I came home to today. Again, all power from the PC4's was shut off since who-knows-when after I left for work this morning.
I'm still waiting for a reply from DA support.
I've re-applied the firmware to the headunit and now it's up and running and it looks like the settings have been kept. Now, I have to figure out how to program the PC4's to just keep the power on while while the head unit randomly goes into crap-out mode.

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Monday, March 14, 2011

RKE updated (regrettably)

I updated the firmware on all the RKE devices over the weekend and things were working well for several hours. I decided to feed the fish and use the RKE's standby mode, then the head unit "crashed". I re-programmed the head unit's firmware again, and it seemed to work even when I tried the standby mode. I thought that might have been the only hiccup during this updating process.
Unfortunately, this is what I came home to today at 7:30 PM:
Another, seemingly random, crash.
By the looks of it, it looks as if my main pump, protein skimmer, heaters and auto top-off devices had been powered off since 3:22 PM. LED lights and Vortech circulation pumps were kept separately on a good old-fashioned power strip.
The livestock looks far.
Time to log on to Digital Aquatic's forum. Ugh.
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Saturday, March 12, 2011

Top-down shots

I was doing some maintenance on the lighting hood. It looked like BBQ ashes were collecting in the LED cooling fans and heat sink fins, so I had to blow them out with a can of air.
Anyhow, since the top was off, I turned off the pumps and tried to take some top-down pictures of the corals. It's difficult without an acrylic box to minimize surface water interference. I had to crop out the flask and camera's reflection.

Red Planet (oooh, ya, my favorite SPS)

Meteor Shower Cyphastrea.
The polyps aren't as wide open as I see on others' pictures.

There's a whole mess of these yellow zoanthids. There might be a little zoa pox going on, but I wouldn't mind if there was something to control their growth.

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